Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thing #19 - Web 2.0 Awards
The second website I visited off the list was Upcoming. It lists events happening in any area and can show events by county. WHY ISN'T OCL USING THIS?!?!?!?! Burlington and Atlantic City Libraries as well as OCC is using it for their events. It also has some unusual services such as the scrapbooking option and the ability to invite friends to a specific event and track attendance.
I plan to go back and look at some other websites later such as BeGreen and check out my carbon footprint. daughter (who has been coaching me through this process) found many interesting website for both herself and her husband!! The knowledge is spreading!!!!
Thing # 18 - Web Apps
I think J. Stokes might also be able to use this for the weekly Heads Up.
My aformentioned son-in-law has signed up with Zoho to share documents with his doctoral advisor. ( I think he should mention me or at least the Web Challenge in his thesis because of all the new technology we have shared.) O.K. Here is the reason he liked this "Thing", the people he wanted to share his documents with had MACS and were unable to view his work. ZOHO allowed them all to look at the documents at the same time with no problem.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thing #17 - Sandbox
Regarding the fonts, colors, and styles....I felt that I was able to generalize this skill from posting this blog, using word processing programs, etc.
The rest was interesting but in my position (page) I don't really see the use unless we are asked to comment on a common topic/project OR if I were to assist a patron with a wiki issue ( I hope I don't have to).
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thing # 16 Wikis
Our article on Wkiopedia is great. It gives you a great deal of information. It is an excellent site for peeople new to the area. There are links to all the towns as well. I'm hoping to watch Betsy edit our site! I wondered how many books OCL owned and it wasn't on our site. She is going to add it.
I also liked Nancy Pearl's Wiki It leads you to blogs about book reviews. I got more great recipes from Wiki Cookbook too. They have a lot of "special" diet recipes.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thing #14 - Library 2.0
RE:To better bibliographic services: Before reading this perspective I thought our library was fairly advanced and techno-savvy. After looking at the NC State catalog, I realized there is a lot more out there and more that could be done. On a side note-I felt that John Reimer was talking over my head.
What does Library 2.0 mean to me? It means that we are always going to have to change to keep up with what the patrons are looking for. We have to find new ways of doing things. So what does it mean to me...Change is hard. 1) Learning this stuff isn't easy for me. I feel like I'm too old ( but apparently I'm not). 2) It was difficult to see actual books leave the library. I love books. I can't see myself reading an eBook. Change is good. 1) There are many ways to gather LOTS of information. 2) I have learned so much on many different levels that I could potentially use professionally and personally.
Thing #15 - Technorati
The thing I found surprising is that some blogs have topics you wouldn't expect to find. What I mean by this is that just because there is a tag associated with a blog doesn't mean that the entire blog is about this topic. I was searching food and wine and happened upon Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide-although it wasn't what I was initially looking for it serendipitously provided me with other information.
PS- I learned that putting search terms in quotation marks returns EXACTLY what you are looking for. When I searched Learning 2.0 I didn't put it in quotes and got back 14,879 hits vs. 1898 hits when quoted.
Thing #13-
I also found great recipes for energy bars and pancakes from someone elses bookmarks. Are you ready? The pancakes are coconut macaroon. How great does that sound! I can't wait to try them. I might have to walk to Toms River for a week to work them off.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thing #12 - WorldCat and Net Library
I looked for the book "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and searched for it in Italian to practice with the Advanced Search. It showed up in 2 places,
I signed up for NetLibrary. It was easy to do just like the other sign-ups. It just sort of leads you along. Getting around the site was pretty intuitive; therefore ,excellent for searching. Lots of ebooks but I don't see myself using them. I get eye strain doing the Challenge. At my advanced age I need large print books
Thing #11 Library Thing
Here it is so far: